Friday, April 2, 2010

Nuclear Energy Turns Your Electricity Bill into a Mortgage Payment!

Let's assume that we replace all coal electricity with nuclear energy. Currently the USA consumes approximately 2 trillion kilowatt hours of electricity each year from coal. The average nuke can produce 8 billion kilowatt hours of electricity. Therefore, we would need to build 250 nukes. Estimated costs for nuclear plants today are approximately 20 billion per plant and that's an optimistic number. That means we need 5 trillion dollars to build these plants! Let's also assume that, when is all said and done, the cost of running all of these plants is about the same number, $5 trillion. With these optimistic numbers we would have $10 trillion in costs. However, let's assume that the nuke plants get financing at 6.5% (property tax 1.25%) and spread the cost over 30 years. This gives them a cost of roughly $77.79 billion per month. Of course these companies are not charities, they will want to make a profit, so let's assume they charge their customers double their cost or roughly $150 billion per month. There are about 115 million households in the United States. This translates into an electricity bill of $1,300! The latest data shows an average price of a US home to be $180,000. Assuming you have the same payment plan the nuclear plant has, this work out to be $1,400 per month. In other words, the average American is spending the same amount on his or her mortgage as they are on their electricity bill! In essence, replacing coal with nuclear energy gives the average American a second mortgage.

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